
The InfraGard program is a public / private cooperative effort dedicated to improving our national security. InfraGard consists of chapters throughout the United States and has thousands of members. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) leads the U.S. Government side of InfraGard. The private sector side of InfraGard is led by a non-profit corporation, the InfraGard National Members Alliance, which consists of local InfraGard Members Alliances throughout the country. An InfraGard “chapter” refers to the local FBI, the local InfraGard Members Alliance, and the local InfraGard members working together. “InfraGard” is a registered service mark of the FBI.

InfraGard began in 1996 as a collaborative effort between the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Cleveland Field Office and subject matter experts from local industry and academia. This effort was designed to harness private sector expertise for investigative efforts in the cyber and physical security arenas. Due to its immediate success, the program quickly expanded to other FBI Field Offices – leading the FBI to assign national program responsibility of InfraGard to FBI Headquarters in Washington DC and assign local program responsibility to one or more Special Agent InfraGard Coordinators in each of the FBI’s 56 field offices. In 2003, the private sector members of InfraGard formed the InfraGard National Members Alliance to support the mission of the InfraGard program. InfraGard is now more than forty-thousand (40,000) members strong with more than eighty (80) chapters across the country!

InfraGard provides both formal and informal channels for the exchange of information about our nation’s critical infrastructures and key resources. InfraGard’s continuing mission is to increase information and intelligence sharing between the FBI (and other government agencies) and InfraGard members to strengthen the defense of our nation.

InfraGard Pittsburgh

InfraGard Pittsburgh is a cooperative effort of the FBI Pittsburgh Division and the InfraGard Pittsburgh Members Alliance. InfraGard Pittsburgh registered its first member in October 1999 and since then has grown to more than 400 members strong. InfraGard Pittsburgh strives to host unique events and build valuable relationships between individual members, as well as between InfraGard members and the FBI.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the principal investigative arm of the United States Department of Justice. As an FBI sponsored program, InfraGard’s mission is to share actionable intelligence information for investigative purposes. The FBI prioritizes its investigations and is primarily focused on counterterrorism, counterintelligence and cyber issues (FBI priorities).

InfraGard Pittsburgh Members Alliance

The InfraGard Pittsburgh Members Alliance (IPMA) is a non-profit organization committed to the mission of the InfraGard program in Pittsburgh. All InfraGard members in the Western Pennsylvania region are members of the IPMA. The IPMA is governed by an elected Board of Directors which collaborates with the FBI Pittsburgh Division InfraGard program coordinators to develop the vision of InfraGard Pittsburgh and bring valuable information and events to InfraGard Pittsburgh members.




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© 2021-2023 InfraGard Pittsburgh Members Alliance, Inc. [ 501(c)(3) ]. All Rights Reserved

“InfraGard” is a registered service mark of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.